作為精品生產商 - Ugo Lequio,Ugo Lequio努力在傳統與創新之間取得微妙的平衡,並對皮埃蒙特(Piedmont)葡萄酒文化作出重要貢獻。

從 1980 年代初開始,Ugo 在從占地 6 公頃的 Cascina Nuova 葡萄園中嚴格挑選水果後,推出了他的第一瓶葡萄酒。這家歷史悠久的酒店位於陽光普照的加利納山上,該山曾經是 Neive Conti Riccardi Candiani 遺產的一部分,現在屬於 Marcarino 家族。

多年後,由於在葡萄園和釀酒廠的經驗和實驗,Ugo Lequio 已經成為革命性轉變的主角之一,該轉變促進了優質葡萄酒的數量。

整個酒莊只有Ugo 伯伯同其寵物,人們稱之為老人與狗,因為沒有其他人的幫助,因此由種植﹑收採﹑釀酒及入樽等工序都係由Ugo 伯伯一個人負責,所以非常有品質保証。而且Ugo Lequio的葡萄酒年產量不超過26000 支。

他個人的信念是,只有在一種無壓力的氛圍中給予足夠的時間來進化,才能在優質的葡萄酒中體現出一流和優雅。出於這個原因,Ugo 堅持讓他的葡萄酒在發布前經過長時間的休息。

Starting in the early 1980s, Ugo Lequio released his first bottles of wine following rigorous fruit selection from the six hectare Cascina Nuova vineyard. This historic property is located on the sun-drenched Gallina Hill that was once part of the Neive Conti Riccardi Candiani patrimony and now belongs to the Marcarino family. Years later, thanks to experience and experimentation in both the vineyard and the winery, Ugo has emerged as one of the protagonists of the revolutionary shift that prizes quality wine over quantity