Lambardi 位於意大利蒙塔爾奇諾山(Montalcino hills) 的東北,是歷史悠久的葡萄酒發源地之一;而歷史上,莊園的土地更曾經屬於意大利Biondi Santi 家族。Lambardi Canalicchio di Sotto 酒莊於 1978 年生產了第一款Brunello葡萄酒,但莊園內的葡萄樹早在 1835 年己於Leopoldino土地登記冊中,可見葡萄酒是採用百年老滕葡萄。而其中Brunello di Montalcino DOCG、Rosso di Montalcino DOC、和產量低的 Sant’Antimo Bianco doc 都是採用酒莊內的葡萄樹。


Lambardi家族於1965年購入“Canalicchio di Sotto”莊園,當時莊園已經包括一片葡萄藤;因此成就了 Lambardi日後創立葡萄園。

在1973 年,釀製第一批 Brunello di Montalcino(1978 年)當時只有500 瓶。直至今天,Lambardi 莊園擁有共 6.5 公頃的葡萄園,幾乎全部用於釀造 Brunello di Montalcino DOCG,並配合發展建下新的酒窖,每年可生產 共12,000 瓶 Brunello di Montalcino、Rosso di Montalcino 和 Sant’Antimo Bianco。


The Lambardi Canalicchio di Sotto estate produced its first Brunello vintage in 1978, but the presence of vines in the homestead were already indicated in the Leopoldino land register of 1835.
This small producer of Brunello is located on the north eastern side of the Montalcino hills in the ideal cradle of the historical wine; indeed the estate confines with the land which once belonged to the Biondi Santi family.
The Brunello di Montalcino docg, the Rosso di Montalcino doc, a red wine and a small quantity of Sant’Antimo Bianco doc are produced from the vines; furthermore some excellent extra virgin olive oil is produced with the frantoio, leccino and moraiolo varieties

“Canalicchio di Sotto” estate was purchased by the Lambardi family in 1965, the property already included a small plot of wanton vines; this was how the idea of creating a vineyard came about and in 1973 the first Brunello di Montalcino (1978) came out in 500 bottles from a small 4 Hl barrel and the tiny wine cellar which included only a small room under the house.

The year 1967, just after the DOC recognition, was an important year for Brunello: a small group of producers decided to protect their wine and founded the "Consorzio del Vino Brunello di Montalcino". My father was one of them: farsighted in his thoughts that this wine would become an Italian excellence and as such would have to be regulated and protected.

Today the Lambardi estate has 6.5 hectares of vines almost entirely dedicated to Brunello di Montalcino docg, a new wine cellar and produces 12,000 bottles of Brunello di M., Rosso di M., a red wine and Sant’Antimo Bianco.

A long time has passed since the beginning of this adventure, but like then I strongly believe in my work and in my wine. Technology and innovations have improved my way of working but I remain convinced of my ideas: maturing Brunello in large barrels means the closing of the circle for the Sangiovese.



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